Hearing the stories of children being separated from their parents after crossing the US border left me feeling outraged and depressed and a bit hopeless. No child should be forcibly removed from their parents. I can’t help but think of the lifelong pain and trauma that this situation will cause for both the kids and their parents. While diet and exercise matter for health, they play a small role compared to stress and trauma. Everything from safety to social engagement to food security to finances to access to healthcare to education to physical environment actually matter more to health than eating your vegetables. We know that Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs), such as abandonment, neglect, or abuse, are a risk factor for negative health events well into adulthood. These families are in for a very long road of healing, and I hope that the funds raised through RAICES can help in that journey.
Because of this news, I want to be very clear. Fueled & Fed Nutrition is open to everyone, regardless of size, race gender, sexual orientation, ability, mobility, job status or immigration status. I may not be the best fit for you or your needs, and I can refer you to others in the area who provide similar services.
If you are also outraged by this situation, I encourage you to donate to RAICES. Call your elected representatives , voice your disapproval, and urge them to vote for sensible immigration reform. If you speak Spanish or have paralegal assistance, The Texas Civil Rights Project is looking for volunteers.
I leave you with Wasire Shire’s poem Home